- You’ll find the best rate guarantee when you book your stay directly on an official Hotel Ambhara website or mobile booking application.
- If you find a qualified lower rate for the same accommodations within 24 hours after making your reservation, we will verify your claim and respond to give a 5% discount
- Best rate guarantee is valid for the same type of accommodation (room type, at the same hotel, dates, length of stay and number of guests)
- Hotel Ambhara official website is comparable to online travel agent website and hotel official hotel mobile booking application is also comparable to online travel agent mobile application
Simple way to to claim your best rate guarantee benefits:
- Capture your booking confirmation from Hotel Ambhara official website or official hotel mobile booking application
- Capture the lower rate that you found on official online travel agent website or official online travel agent mobile booking application
- In the event that you found a qualified lower rate on official online travel agent website, you must include the URL link
- Send your findings to our email official e-mail address
- We will verify your claim and respond to give a 5% discount.